Tekijä: Aura

  • Sexual Coercion

    Sexual Coercion


    Sexual Coercion. Sexual coercion falls under the broad umbrella of sexual assault, as does rape. We would like to think that Sexual Coercion is something new in human behavior, marketed to specific type of young people to ”get a head in the dating world.” We call it Red Pill Content, it belongs heavely to rape…

  • The Gentleman’s Guide to Vajayjay

    The Gentleman’s Guide to Vajayjay


    The Gentleman’s guide to Vajayjay, The winter mitten roll, The happy beaver, The lovepocket,- Pussies that hold mega strength, beauty and power! We all come from the hairy muffin, so it’s only natural that we speak about this feminine power house, this cave of life and sweet wonder? Biology and Anatomy of the most beautiful…

  • The anatomy of Love

    The anatomy of Love


    ” When I Fall in Love, it will be forever” – Nat King Cole- Today we will discuss the crazy little thing called Love.Why do some of us fall in love too easily, why do we fall out of it and why some of us won’t ever experience it? All you need is Love, yes…

  • What is intimacy?

    What is intimacy?


    What is intimacy? For many people intimacy means only sex.But what if I told you that for sex, intimacy is just a small part of it and that for a healthy relationship you need to understand the whole consept of intimacy. Intimacy = ” Into Me See” Healthline.com writes about intimacy in this way.” Intimacy…

  • Mens sana in corpore sano

    Mens sana in corpore sano


    Sports & Sex. Mens sana in corpore sano is Latin and meansHealthy spirit in a healthy body. For various reasons, keeping up a healthy lifestyle is good for your overall health, but what does it do for your sexlife? For both men and women keeping up a good muscle tone is beneficial to keep up…

  • All about your junk! What ya need to know about Willies?

    All about your junk! What ya need to know about Willies?


    All about your junk! What ya need to know about Willies? All about your junk! What ya need to know about Willies, Jonhsons, Dicks and Pricks For this blog, I scouted out numerous books that I have on human sexuality and biology, so You will have actual fact based information about your junk =)As a…

  • Lapsuus, nuoruus & netti

    Lapsuus, nuoruus & netti


    Helsingin Sanomat Artikkeli Seksuaalineuvojan vastaanotolle harvoin eksyy lapsia taikka pienten lasten vanhempia. Verkkopalvelun kautta  olen saanut eräitä yhteydenottoja, joista kerron muutamia esimerkkejä. Valitettavasti, koska yhä useammat vanhemmat antavat lastensa ”viihteeksi ja virikkeeksi” pädejä, läppäreitä ja älypuhelimia. Lapsille ei ainoastaan kehity puutteellisia sosiaalisia taitoja, eikä se ainoastaan vaikuta aivojen rakenteen muotoutumiseen ja aivokemioiden muutoksiin, se altistaa…