All about your junk! What ya need to know about Willies?


All about your junk! What ya need to know about Willies?

All about your junk! What ya need to know about Willies, Jonhsons, Dicks and Pricks

For this blog, I scouted out numerous books that I have on human sexuality and biology, so You will have actual fact based information about your junk =)
As a healthcare professional my aim is to educate people on these things and bring out information that You would not get an easy access to by yourself.

Androgens like testosterone are responsible for penis enlargement and elongation during puberty. Penis size is positively correlated with increasing testosterone levels during puberty. But after puberty, administration of testosterone does not affect penis size, and androgen deficiency in adult men only results in a small decrease in size. Growth hormone (GH) and Insulin-like factor 1 (IGF-1) are also involved in penis size, with deficiency such as that observed in GH deficiency at critical developmental stages having the potential to result in micropenis.

Micropenis is considered to be 6 cm or less when in erection, in Scandinavia and Europe. In the USA it’s considered to be 8 cm or less.
The condition affects 0.6% of men. Some types of micropenis can be addressed with growth hormone or testosterone treatment in early childhood. Operations are also available to increase penis size in cases of micropenis in adults.

It has been suggested that differences in penis size between individuals are caused not only by genetics, but also by environmental factors such as diet and chemical or pollution exposure. Food that is chemically treated can be one of the causes if the mother consumes these foods when pregnant. This is more likely to happen in the USA than in Europe because of different regulations in food processing. Many of The American foods are banned in Europe, because of major health risks that they carry.

Most men believe that the average length of an erect penis is greater than 16 cm. This belief is due, in part, to several often-cited studies that relied on self-reported measurements, with means of about 15 cm for heterosexual men and even greater for gay men. These studies suffered from both volunteer bias and social desirability bias. In this study, the combined mean for 10 studies in which researchers took measurements of erect penises was 13.6 cm; n = 1,629. For 21 studies in which researchers measured stretched penises, the mean was approximately 12 cm; n = 13,719. Based on these studies, the average length of an erect penis is between 12-14 cm, but after taking volunteer bias into account, it is probably toward the lower end of this range. Studies show that a majority of men wish they were larger, with some choosing penile lengthening surgery. These surgeries are considered to be risky. Most men seeking surgery have normal sized penises.

Widespread private concerns related to penis size have led to a number of folklore sayings and pop-culture reflections related to penis size. Penis panic is a form of mass hysteria involving the believed removal or shrinking of the penis, known as Genital retraction syndrome where the penis can significantly shrink due to scar tissue formation from a condition called Peyronie’s disease which affects up to 10% of men.

Alleged differences in races have led to the creation of sexual myths. Many websites and studies promoting variation of penis size between races use unscientific methods of collecting information and often ignore contradictory evidence.
These promote racism and are in many ways harmful beliefs.

Products such as penis pumps, pills, and other dubious means of penis enlargement are some of the most marketed products in the internet At present there is no consensus in the scientific community of any non-surgical technique that permanently increases either the thickness or length of the erect penis that already falls into the normal range.

Pills, oils and others are basically bullshit and can be harmful for the body, because you really don’t know what the hell is inside of them.

I recommend penis pumps for my clients for various reasons.
They want to make their penis more larger and more sensitive for sex.The effects won’t last long, but if you use it several times during the week, you can have 1-3cm more, but again the effect does not last.

The idea behind the penis pump is that it forces the ”red” to go inside the muscle tissue and it breaks the tissue from inside the penis so that more ”red” can go in and the effect is more ”bigger and harder” penis. The effect of using the pump for longer periods of time (Over 20mins daily for months) can lead to erectile dysfunction, but also if used correctly will help with erectile dysfunction. If a person suffers from prostate problems, use of a penis pump can help with urination. Because it also helps the urinary tract to become more stretched and can help with the pain.

The human penis is thicker than that of any other primate, both in absolute terms and relative to the rest of the body
The evolutionary reasons for the increased thickness have not been established. One explanation is that thicker penises are an a to adaptation corresponding increase in vaginal size. The vaginal canal is believed to have expanded in humans to accommodate the larger size of a newborn’s skull and body. Women may then have sexually selected men with penises large enough to fit their vagina, to provide sexual stimulation for both parties and ensure insemination.

Normal endurance time for sex is about 10 minutes after starting intercourse.
Premature ejaculation is medically described to be lasting only 1 minute after starting intercourse. In some medical books the time is under 3 minutes after starting intercourse.If a person suffers from not achieving an orgasm after 30-45 min from starting intercourse that is called delayed ejaculation or anorgasmia.

Most men experience a refractory period immediately following an orgasm, during which time they are unable to achieve another erection, and a longer period again before they are capable of achieving another ejaculation. During this time a male feels a deep and often pleasurable sense of relaxation, usually felt in the groin and thighs. The duration of the refractory period varies considerably, even for a given individual. Age affects the recovery time, with younger men typically recovering faster than older men, though not universally so.

Whereas some men may have refractory periods of 15 minutes or more, some men are able to experience sexual arousal immediately after ejaculation There are men who are able to achieve multiple orgasms, with or without the typical sequence of ejaculation and refractory period. Some of those men report not noticing refractory periods, or are able to maintain erection by ”sustaining sexual activity with a full erection until they passed their refractory time for orgasm when they proceeded to have a second or third orgasm”.

Although uncommon, some men can achieve ejaculations during masturbation without any manual stimulation. Such men usually do it by tensing and flexing their abdominal and buttocks muscles along with vigorous fantasizing. Others may do it by relaxing the area around the penis, which may result in harder erections especially when hyperaroused.

How does ejaculation occur?
Sexual stimulation and friction provide the impulses that are delivered to the spinal cord and into the brain. Ejaculation is a reflex action controlled by the central nervous system.
The logical part of your brain basically shuts down during sex.There’s a reason why people tend to feel bolder and less inhibited during sex – the part of your brain in charge of your logical reasoning skills temporarily goes on vacation. =)

The lateral orvitofrontal cortex becomes less active during sex. This is the part of the brain that is responsible for reason, decision making, and value judgments. The deactivation of this part of the brain is also associated with decreases in fear and anxiety This shutdown of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex actually makes sense, as fear and anxiety can interrupt arousal and lead to problems like performance anxiety.

The Dreaded premature ejaculation!

In men who suffer from premature ejaculation, the substance serotonin appears to be less active between the nerves in the section of the brain that controls the ejaculation. Among other things, this substance is linked to sexual activity and sexual desire. It is a substance that transfers a signal from one neuron to another. Due to the low activity of serotonin, this signal transfer does not occur properly in men with the primary form of premature ejaculation.

A gene which had already been discovered, namely 5-HTTLPR, appears to be responsible for the amount and activity of serotonin, which means that it controls the rapidity of ejaculation. Three types of the gene exist: LL, SL and SS. The study showed that the LL type causes a more rapid ejaculation. On average, men with LL ejaculate twice as quickly as men with SS, and also almost twice as quickly as men with SL.The findings indicate the problem is not a psychological disorder, as some have suggested.

There are several other causes for premature ejaculation that can be treated, such as..

Common physical causes include:
Prostate problems
Thyroid problems – an over active or underactive gland
Using recreational drugs

Common psychological causes include:

Relationship problems:
Anxiety about sexual performance (particularly at the start of a new relationship, or when a man has had previous problems with sexual performance)
It’s possible, but less common, for a man to have always experienced premature ejaculation since becoming sexually active.

A number of other possible causes for this are:
Conditioning – it’s possible that early sexual experiences can influence future sexual behaviour.
For example, if a teenager conditions himself to ejaculate quickly to avoid being caught masturbating, it may later be difficult to break the habit
A traumatic sexual experience from childhood – this can range from being caught masturbating to sexual abuse
A strict upbringing and beliefs about sex
Biological reasons – some men may find their penis is extra sensitive

Premature ejaculation problems can be a bad side effect of severe porn addiction. This addiction can also cause anorgasmia- the lack of an orgasm.
Porn addiction erection and orgasm problems are usually treated with therapy and it has had good results. These problems occure when having sex with a partner, not usually during solo sex.

But I am sorry to say that if it’s not any of these physical or emotional reasons and it is just how your body works due to your brain chemistry and genes- there is nothing to do.
One just needs to learn how to deal with it.

My professional advice is that you learn to give sexual pleasure for your partner first and enjoy intercourse after that. You can have extra time on your endurance by taking time to masturbate before having sex with your partner maybe 30 to 60min before- depending on your recovery time =)

For men with Little Willies, there is an actual dating site in the internet were women who enjoy smaller willies can seek you out. Do not dismay my lovelies, because there are many women who will love the small pack you carry. And remember, smaller dicks are perfect for anal =) if one enjoys that.

Hope you enjoyed and learned a thing or two about your lovely dicks
Stay safe and use a rubber on your Willy Wonka’s =)

Blog’s information was gatherd from these places:

Urology Health
Mayo Clinic
Cleveland Clinic
Seksuaalisuus – Dan Apter, Leena Väisälä. Kari Kaimola